…The art project As inevitable story as coincidence that I made in Bregenz at the end of the summer in 2001 was created under the trust between humans: by following the nature of our existence. However, up to today almost a decade after this project, the project still remains undisclosed to the public. None of the images have been exhibited or displayed, not a single image has been published. I think because of the drastic change to our belief system that was completely manipulated by the corrupted instructors that exist beyond any recognized community, city or government. We are now faced with losing our recognition of other humans as a positive existence as well as the empathy between humans without fear. The art project As inevitable story as coincidence may remind us of how humans used to play the trust between strangers and uses art as a way to prove the desire of integration between humans. A man who visited a small town in Austria from New York as a stranger created this just 10 years ago on this earth. Like the artworks of the Italian Renaissance in the 16th century, we can confirm through this art project that we used to have a better perspective of human existence compared to 2011. Noritoshi Hirakawa