Hello! We are 3 artists that recently made a trip from Vienna to Reykjavik and back to amongst others take part in the Icelandic art festival Sequences, and an exhibition in Kunsthaus Graz, Austria. The trip was focused on documenting and drawing, which resulted in a travel blog, http://www.yngveholen.com/fishfinder. Hand drawings by Constantin Luser(AT) and CAD drawings by Yngve Holen(NO), photography by Marlie Mul(NL). We are very interested in presenting the blog in printed form and thought One Star Press could be suitable for this. I would like to propose to meet you this week to explain the project and see if there are any possibilities to work with you, as we are in Paris until Tuesday. Hope to hear from you + kindest regards, Marlie Mul [email received by onestar press on January 12th 2007]